This blog article has an unusual tone today. One might ask why is it, which would be a very conservative thing to do when afraid of changes. The Psychology of UK Small Businesses and Startups delve into the UK business owners' nucleus positive/pessimistic somewhat liberal perspective behavioural reactance view about running their business into the future.
The positive/pessimistic view is very seductive amongst most UK businesses because it comes from the top tier of the country and the UK government tends to be positive/pessimistic because of any pressure felt they tend to quit and truly think it is the sensible thing to do. This is because the general expectancy of most business owners or government workers is more duds than optimistic.
This psychological behaviour is ingrained in their subconscious and the lingering thought is buried so profoundly between layers of the brain tissues programming of cloning the negative thoughts 1000 times to propel them to the conscious mind to be spoken to whoever wants to hear it.
However, there are some liberals nucleus positive/optimistic business owners looking towards future gain and taking appropriate positive risks to get the goalpost or running with everlasting thoughts that their business would outlive them and be there for years to come.
I could give many examples of the latter— the late Prime Minister Boris Johnson preferred to quit before he was officially sacked meaning that he refused to be accountable and responsible for his actions whilst at the top. Meaning it was acceptable to do Mr. Means until he got caught red-handed.
Boris Johnson viewed it as 'letting me save myself to avoid the embarrassment' because he feared the 'punishment' by the privilege committee, not admitting wrongdoing therefore, it was best to take everybody with him, consequently involving other ministers with him because he could not take the blame by himself as the head of the country.
In the UK business owners, entrepreneurs, startups and people are impressionable and susceptible to advertisement or what the politician says therefore they're apt to look towards authoritarian figures or the government for guidance. Even if they are denying the truth all day long some more vehemently than others as human beings we all look up to our alpha guidance. We are built that way and for centuries we have lived in communities with leadership at the top and followers.
The Great Recession of 2007-2009 affected most of the world and caused a widespread financial crisis and a crash in the housing market due to toxic mortgages — lots of people defaulted on their mortgage payments derailed the system and the whole lot got offset concluded that it was the most severe economic and financial meltdown since the Great Depression that disrupted normal global relations.
We barely recovered from the total meltdown that Brexit arrived on 31/01/2020 a month after COVID-19 started on 31/12/2019 when WHO was notified of a cluster of cases of pneumonia of unknown cause detected in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China and on the date of Brexit COVID-19 started in the UK on 31/01/20 exactly 3 years, 6 months and 3 weeks ago.
And because of the latter crisis pandemic-related supply shortages were a major factor in the Cost Of Living Crisis which I called the tail end of COVID-19. As the global economy recovered from its pandemic-related recession, there was an increased demand for products and materials. The conflict in Ukraine led to higher commodity prices mainly in the first half of 2022 pushing up inflation around the world.
While inflation rages all-time high small businesses and startups feeling the pinch because let's face it we entered a bear market because the UK economy receding and most stocks are declining in value. We are in dangerous territory because in a bear market investments and equities lose value and prices become volatile.
We witness the price increase in food purchases, product purchases and services but the increase happened two or three times that it made the news. Because of the bear market, some bearish investors withdrew their money and are sitting on cash until the trend reverses, further sending prices lower.
Some company staff are striking demanding more pay to cope with the surge because large companies, especially publicly listed enterprises saving every penny to avoid bankruptcy or administration due to declining stock movement causing the consumer's cost of living to increase but the salary earned remaining the same in turn forcing saving in households to save money to make ends meet.
The psychology of small businesses and startups' positive/pessimistic allure will usually draw the fearful ones out of the woods and the affluent push their neck out as if they own the place waging their tails for everyone to see signalling wealth.
However, the wise man made out of a woman would innovate in every way to benefit the people. Because throughout the world when imminent disaster looms ahead people worldwide — are not afraid of the bear market innovating and educating to make life worth living through a sliver of hope that tomorrow prevails just because of the hardworking communities and every effort will be better than its previous is rewarded and afforded.
Our story is inspirational because our humble beginning was full of adversities, and business lessons to learn — the sacrifices we made proved to be worth it — A particular honour for me because let's face it my presence on this stage is pretty unlikely after surviving three major economic downturns in the UK alone that took down an awful lot of small businesses and startups in its grip.
I hope you are not reading this pretty unusual blog article, but I am utterly grateful that you stopped to read my article which is part of a larger UK story in the grand scheme of things where your small business and startups lie. Because in our quest for glory, longevity, profitability and mighty success, we actually hit rock bottom and to climb back up takes a lot of courage; and we're nowhere near the clearing of the wood yet to see the green grass field stretching far out of view in front of us.
Every effort we make is for tomorrow's rewards as progress seldom hurries. Only the persistent and discipline of this world within us drum out a vision of the future where you see how to advance everyone's realities not just in technology but including all industries to thrive and benefit from a hoard of customers and prospects alike to support the small businesses and startups survival—because they are the backbone of the economic growth often needed to come out of recession as well as the public company to keep the fast repeated short sound of the markets clocks ticking the stock market to a healthy beat.
Startups and small business tips to start up and grow your business venture with Girlfridayz's services
What is a startup company
What is a small business
What is the typical funding route for startups
What is the typical funding route for small business
The Growth rate in both business models
Profits in both business models
Leadership style in both set-ups
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At Girlfridayz we simply understand how to support Startups and SMEs. We've developed many services over the years — to that effect; all supporting SMEs and Startups to start up and grow using our marketing and business support services.
We are experts in Marketing and Its application to business and to demonstrate our expertise; we've written several business and marketing e-books, books, short-course and developed templates.
We have over the years contributed enormously to the marketing industry by creating 15 new Marketing theories mainly about customer acquisition and customer behaviour described elegantly through a pyramid shape diagram representing the needs and wants of the consumers in your business.
We recently came up in 2023 with the Customer Acquisition Relativity Equivalent theory C=NC2. You can find an explanation of how we derive this conclusion and theories in The Non-Obvious Explosive Ideas That Work
By 2030 Great Britain will not have many high-street stores left if the current market trends continue. There is a score of the high-street well-known and loved staple of the UK high street closing down amid the tail end of COVID-19. The Cost of Living gripping the UK because of the pressure of the war Russia-Ukraine affecting the UK economy.
Britain's Small Businesses are the backbone of the economic growth often needed to come out of a recession Boots, Wilkos, Iceland, Wetherspoons, and Clintons are closing some of their stores and most of these businesses' stores numbers to go down causing widespread unemployment in the UK.
The increased cost of rental units proved to be too much to bear as well as customers saving to make ends meet and not visiting these stores exacerbated stress felt across the lands.
Technology's slow progress started to show its face amid the Cost of Living AI is persisting but not a big deal because it has not fully entered the consciousness of people during COVID-19 they prosper because we needed to keep ourselves safe against the pest so changes could come through and Zoom to grow and other video conferencing cie, social media grew, and Tick Tock, Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, Pinterest, NextDoor Neighbour, Amazon, Google... exploded as we now live with Robot amongst us, we have electric cars, scooters and bicycle, airless tires and self-driving cars, digital money and more...More useful mobile apps and websites are in demand.
In their wake, they creating new Jobs and we need to move and adapt with our time because every economic disaster takes casualties with them this is how progress is made, changes happen all the time and before you've realised you have become a different person or business. Therefore, continuous learning is a must to survive the economic tide.
Some stores will need to relocate to cheaper locations to survive, some stores are merging themselves into bigger units as Sainsbury is planning to swallow Argos because they don't want to lose their purchase and probably the same fate will happen to Habitat beloved by the UK population.
People need to save their high street and keep the demand for high street shops so the supply grows and moves forward because what you don't use you lose. If the effort to save our high street is not made there will be more ghost towns and villages in the UK and resettlement of people because people will move to more affluent places.
Amid The Cost of Living new service businesses emerging like Very Pay, Clearpay and Klarna... Offering payment facility to pay for goods. New developments in real estate, council and housing association properties are happening across the country and new buildings across the UK are seen this effort is made to relieve the housing crisis due to the increase in population.
One service company adapted to the trend like Girlfridayz and we now are offering Girlfridayz Credit to support our customers and prospects to purchase our services with peace of mind by paying in 3 or 6 months maximum for services ordered just like if they are purchasing from Ann Summer some bras and nickers they could pay with Klarna or iSmash.
We have an uprising of online banking and new startups are online banks Like Monzo, Pockit, and Chase.
With the Cost of Living Crisis gripping the nation unemployment can rise and many people can find themselves unemployed claiming welfare benefits to survive until they find a job suitable.
Young people need jobs to be economically viable and can start a business because there is no age requirement to start a business in the UK. Anyone at any age can start their own business too.
As we start a new year looking ahead the Cat Got The Cream workshop — a 3-month learning incubation pathway for unemployed people living in London is working to increase social inclusion for people on long-term welfare benefits to access employment or start up a business.
The workshop aimed to relieve depression and hopelessness people might feel due to the impact of COVID-19 on long-term unemployed can bring to people on low income trying to make ends meet.
The workshop supports improving the well-being of long-term unemployed through market finding employment by educating and equipping them with meaningful empowerment through positive input by teaching new skills or reskills even upskilling by revving and utilising knowledge learned to gain employment or start a business in their community.
The Cat Got The Cream workshop ahead of the unreasonable price increase decided to offer subsidised rates of pay for services offered by the Cat Got The Cream to ensure its service users can afford the services.
The workshop offers two groups of users the return to work group and the startups group. Each group benefit from a different subsidised rate of payment.
Return To Work —Working group — 20 users only
1. CV package for returning to work, working group £84 per person referred.
2. Linkedin Profile and Intelligent Posting support £250 per person referred.
The total price for the service is £334 per head for 3 months — monthly subscription is £112 per month.
Startup Business group — 20 users only — we accept business owners that started 1-3 years ago and need support to grow.
1. Free Business and Marketing plan template offer for startup working group per person referred.
2. Business and Marketing plan completion support £370.20 per person referred.
3. Website design 4 pages (startups) £328 per person referred.
4. Launch Flyers designed and printed for £80 per person referred,
5. Startup Business Support Service £778.20 per person referred including 18 months of business and training support through The Core Assets + The Cellar: A Winners Combination. (separate purchase)
The total price for the service is £1556.40 per head for 3 months — monthly subscription is £518.80 per month.
The Cat Got The Cream workshop is the perfect solution to gain employment or start a business from the comfort of your home interacting weekly with your dedicated staff member to support you in getting a job or starting or growing your existing business. Find out more about the benefits The Cat Got The Cream offers.
We are open and taking referrals now places are scarce; refer yourself today as the services start end of November 2023 and we will not be able to accept any more referrals.
History has been made for the Healthcare industry and the Marketing Industry simultaneously
The Metro front page reported on 23-08-23 that the UK made history because surgeons in Oxford carried out the first womb transplant in the UK. It was a resounding success for both women a 34-year-old recipient and her 40-year-old sister.
In contrast, Girlfridayz Limited — a business support marketing consultancy online company— a UK business made history as well contributing to the Marketing Industry by developing 15 new Marketing innovation theories about Customer Acquisition and a new innovative Marketing Psychological Behavioural consumers theory model about customers' wants and needs and
developed the Customer Acquisition relativity equivalent theory C=NC2 (2 is squared).
The Non-Obvious Explosive Ideas that Work is a book discussing a list of my innovative theories about customer acquisition and how I derive these conclusions from 2018 up to 2023.
The Core Assets of Marketing With Its Dual Implementation Support System - The Cellar is an innovation. It is the only book attached to a Dual implementation Support System The Cellar and it is for postgraduate MBA students. It provides the student with the practical of business daily dealing and once they find the passkey to The Cellar inside the book' pages they can further evaluate their study using the Cellar sources.
The Core Assets + The Cellar: A Winners Combination is an innovation for small business owners and startups to grow their business by applying the book content and after jumping on the Cellar for three months once they find The Cellar access key inside the book' pages. The book provides small businesses and startups with an incentive for growth because if they manage to gain 25% more profits using our system they are eligible for Girlfridayz Accreditation.
The Cellar attached to the book is a 13 weeks ongoing programme that consists of beautifully designed and curated online content presented using professional expert knowledge — in which you're guided to journal through your prowess and process, thoughts, feelings and daily events to acquire leads and customers to your business services and products.
The Cellar online platform allows you to evaluate your current strengths and weaknesses, and the impact of recent changes in your approach to marketing after having applied to your business the attached book content.
Both events happened at different times and are totally different but are equally important for mankind. One gives hope to infertile women with the possibility to have a child due to medical advancement. The other gives hope to small business owners and startups' business/marketing methodologies tried and tested to be used to grow their business by increasing their customer acquisition due to marketing advancement.
Listen to this recording presentation about why is important to have RATS in your small business and startups
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The psychology of small businesses and startups in the UK is that they are not in the habit of giving themselves compliments for their amazing achievement and they should be proud of their hard work to reach this mighty successful achievement due to the dud behaviour expected.
Why is that? it is because societal cue often does not reward achievement due to underlying greed, envy, doubt and disbelief even when presented with strong pieces of evidence that this small business or startup should be rewarded.
However, health, wealth, love and happiness only come when you are able to recognise your achievement and congratulate yourself for it with a tap on your shoulder acknowledging your success. However, be grateful for what you've got, achieve and do not rest on your laurels because life is full of opportunities and it is an opportune time right about now to invest in a franchise like Girlfridayz Limited franchise become a Girlfridayz partner.
To book your consultation click below
After conducting research among small business owners and startups it became apparent that most of them followed the same pattern of posting 'public' when posting on social media that is because we become part of our everyday world and tend to follow what others do.
We are susceptible to the influence of other people around us. We are constantly shaped by those around us and who we live with, the books, magazines, newspapers we read, TV, Radio, Podcasts, songs, our teammates, workmates, plants, nature and animals' behaviour...Therefore, if you are serious about starting a business or growing your existing business you need to change your behaviour, if you are afraid to take positive risks surround yourself with people who reassure you, encourage and support you and have the possibility to influence and inspire you.
In Hindsight here's the story of my first positive risk in acquiring a customer on a hunch that led to my first business award.
Tim finished his shift working at the local pub The Cambria. He is with his mate walking down Cambria road and he notices on the railing Girlfridayz banner. Tim and his friends looked at it and were chatting about my banner and I heard them discussing one of them wanting a website. It is roughly 3.00 am and I was at my window smoking a fag. I saw them and said
'Hey, you guys do you want a website done.',
They looked up and said 'You are the banner owner'.
I replied 'Yes,'
Tim said 'Do you want a drink? We're going to get some drinks'
I thought about the risk in accepting considering that it was early morning and I was on my own at home so to speak because my kids were sleeping.
I sensed that I was not in any danger and I said 'Oh, get me a JD and coke in a can, please'.
Tim said 'When we come back can we come to your home office?' I replied 'Yes, I tell you in detail what we can do for you at Girlfridayz'
They return from the local shop, laughing and chatting. I was at my window smoking and they hailed at me 'Can we come in'. I went and opened my door and told them that my office was upstairs — Follow me.
Tim and his friends were upstairs and asked if it was okay to smoke. 'I replied, yes' and they told me it was Tim who needed a website design done. I went and got three glasses from my kitchen and when I returned they were sitting on my settees waiting for me.
I opened my window and said you guys can smoke at the window and pour your own drink. I said thank you for the JD and added 'Tim, when you're ready let me tell you what we can do for you. ' He replied 'Thank you, Trisha'
After they finished I presented my website bundle on offer to Tim on my TV screen. He informed me that he is a private chef and that his business caters for high-end customers.
He added that he has a lot of customers and it is amazing how people like to have a private chef cooking their dinner and that he made three-course meals for a single person or party and showed some pictures and videos.
I informed him that he could have a business website or e-commerce. He replied 'A business website' and at the time in 2017, it cost him £360 for 10 pages. Adjusting the price for inflation as of today 2023 will cost him £1548.
He added, that he already had a website and that his wife had done it for him but he wanted a revamp because it didn't look professional. I said to Tim 'Show me your website, please' and he gave me the URL of his domain and I viewed the website his wife had done for him.
Tim agreed on the price quoted, as well as the other info provided and he hired Girlfridayz for his website design on the spot and added I need to tell my wife when I get home she is dealing with the money, Trisha, I replied 'that is fine, Tim'. They all left and said it was a fantastic meeting and Tim added I will be in touch.
The next day Tim contacted me and we got the ball rolling. Here's the review that he placed on our website. I revamped his website within two months because he worked in collab with me and I deployed back to Tim an eye-catching, well-designed functional website.
The reviews he put on my website 6 years ago: 'I would just like to say a great big thank you to Girlfridayz for their fantastic work on my website. The attention to detail and design was very good. Good price and a lot of useful information. I would definitely recommend Girlfridayz to anyone who wants to revamp or want a new website(including marketing). Thanks, Girlfridayz, TS.'
A few months later I posted on Linkedin to my audience about website design and I could do their social media marketing because I build a good number of connections by posting good content that others can relate to and answering the conversation on social.
I came across Mavis Akawanka of Rich Vision posting about a Coffee Morning event for women and her second business Women Like Me organised it.
The event started at 9.00 am and finished at 12.00 and it was for startups and SMEs. I attended several of Mavis' events and at her event Marketing and Money in 2017, she announced the winner of the previous year's award 2016-2017.
She offered to fill out the award form for the year 2018-2019 and said those who want an award should come to the front and pick a form. I went and collected my form and Mavis said to fill the form and once completed give it back to a member of staff. I completed my form and gave it back.
Mid 2018 I received an email from Rich Vision to tell me congratulations on being nominated for The Be Mogul Award 2018-2019.
Please complete the form requesting information about your business and why should we give you an award, what have you overcome in your business, your aspirations and your financial position...
I completed my form and said that I applied for DWP accreditation and I am filling out the long form that was not due before 31-11-19. I added that I overcame the stealing of my business in 2009 and restarted on 5/06/2015 and I wrote Tim review' on the form because the form was asking for a customer review about our business.
In Late October 2018, I received an email congratulating me "You are one of our award winners selected by the judge, and later you will receive more information about the ceremony. Your business will be featured in our magazine Be Mogul 2018-2019 and the winner will be on the radio with Mavis discussing their business for 10 minutes with Norwood Radio's 1.3 M listeners."
On 1/11/2018 I attended my radio interview live on Air with Mavis and talked about my business and the services we provided after the interview Mavis told me you are one of our Be Mogul award winners 2018-2019 Trisha and gave me a copy of the Be Mogul magazine where my business feature with the others 2018-2019 winners. On 22/11/2018 I attended my award ceremony and was awarded The Be Mogul award recognising The Most Influential and Inspirational Black Business Owners In Britain, powered by Natwest and Rich Vision.
In hindsight, reading this powerful story you can see that taking a positive risk in your business can lead to awesome opportunities later on in your life.
If I hadn't been courageous at the time in 2017, I would never have had an early award within year 3 of restarting my business if it wasn't for my aspiration, overcoming my business stealing and Tim's review of my meticulous work on his website revamp. I probably would not have been an award winner yet. Maybe in the future, I will be a Mobel Prize winner for Girlfridayz 15 who knows how the cookies crumble?
If you like this maybe you like to know more about our business wins/failures that you can find in The Core Assets + The Cellar: A Winners Combination as well as a lot more curated content for business growth and if you purchase three months of Cellar use you are gone clear and are on your path of business growth and mighty profits just like Melvin Moreland found out 2 years ago and left two reviews on our website.
In concluding this unusual article the nucleus of this Psychology of Small Businesses and Startups informs you that it is preferable to have a positive attitude toward life and that if you want to grow your business you must take positive risks. It is also good to do B2B & B2C purchases for your supply of goods like this you can help save the high street. As a business owner, you should help your fellow business owners and purchase from one another because you are a consumer of goods and services too.
Girlfridayz Credit allows small businesses and startups to buy our services eligible for credit at a rebate price because you can choose the amount of credit to spend towards your purchase.
Since the Cost of Living, we have a lot of customers using Girlfridayz credit due to this choice architecture and low repayment offer of the credit value either in 3 to 6 months. Girlfridayz Credit is subject to low-interest rates of 21.9% APR on credit use and credit offers. It comes to x0.12.
This facility is only for business owners who register an account with Girlfridayz. The benefit of registering an account is you get 2 Fribiz points and you are able to apply for Girlfridayz Credit or use The One Offer our interest-free payment facility for our all-inclusive website bundles for your site or become eligible for our interest-free payment facility — spend over £200 and pay by instalment the remaining balance.
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