Let's have a chat
28 Cambria Road
M: 07931089744
E: girlfridayz@girlfridayz.com
You can use our easy contact facilities. Have a live chat or if you prefer to skype me, What App, SMS or email. You can book a follow-up or specific appointment online using our booking facility for an office visit only, registration is required.
You can contact us with your advertising need.
We also accept orders via phone and email. You cannot order some services on your mobile phone.
Online order to help you place an order with Girlfridayz
Order forms and client design briefing form. Please complete these forms as thoroughly as possible, as these are how we gain a valuable insight into your company and its products or services or non-business person this how we gain insight on what you want us to do. It a good idea to download our supply guideline too for any documents, pictures or materials supply to us to work with.
Advertise with us Deluxe Deal
Client design Brief form
Supply Guideline
Complete our online Order Forms to order small business advertising and deluxe deals services offer.
Download our Client Design Briefing Form, this contains a set of simple questions to help us learn more about your product, service or business or what you want us to do Non-Business Person. Please complete this as accurately as possible.
Send us your logo, text, images, or video, you wish to include with your ordered service, download our Supply Guidelines for file specifications.
Please Note: You will need to return the completed client design briefing as we need this document to complete your order.

*Please note: For Marketing Print ie: Flyers, Business Cards, Promotional Gifts, Signage etc please specified quantity you want in an email or filling contact form message or calling us as we have a minimum quantity order on some products. We also can print larger orders ie: 90 000 flyers. You get free quotations