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Writer's pictureTrisha Amable

Everybody need a mentor to progress in business

Everybody needs a mentor to progress in business and girlfridayz has two mentors. You see Girlfridayz is in business since 2003 as a self-employed business supporting Sole Traders and SME's.

Over the year we experienced few successes but at some point our business became stagnant and we did not experience grows. We came accross Neil Patel blog post one day and read it from start to finish, he was telling his audience how to built a 6 figures business and to attend his webinar which was private for people who already earned lots of dough. I subscribed to his mailing list and he emailed me back. i began to read every single emails I received and his blog post which are so interesting and inspiring and very useful content and great read. I emailed him that my business was stagnant and he emailed a link about customers acquisition and the step to take to build a successful business. He added once I master this I would be able to attend his how to earn 6 figure webinar.

He became one of my mentor without knowing it is blog post on online business and marketing as help me being a better marketing consultant, improve in my business and write better blog content, he also taught me 5 selling marketing technique and strategy used in business for years and still working today and said if I understand and apply them to my business I could increase my revenue by 30 %. I listened and our revenue increased not by 30% but 10% this is a start. we also gained momentum on Facebook and twiter due to our blog post content proving to be useful for our target audiences and sold many Small Business Tips series our best seller. Design six website in 2015 and gain a tone of leads. We achieve all this because Neil Patel helping us. I love reading his blog post so inspiring and useful. Neil is the founder of Kiss Metrics and Crasy Eggs he has helped so many huge companies to achieves result such as Amazon, Ebay, Facebook, NBC, HP, Microsoft the man his a Guru in Marketing so I can say I am learning from the best so today I decided to make him shine.

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