In this introductory article, we are discussing the understanding of Landing Page experience by the visitors of your website. First, let define what is a landing page — a web page that serves as the entry point for a website or a section of a website.
Hence it makes sense to build a powerful landing page, which is informative, useful, and user-friendly, and must importantly your visitors should experience an "asshole free" visit to your landing page.
So it is important to keep in mind when designing a Landing Page to have your customers in mind, your goals, and your objectives. What would be the purpose of your landing page ? would it be an ads group or an informative and relevant piece of content, a products comparison, service information, a lead magnet or a tripwire, pop up whatever you decide it shouldn't be obstructive and annoying to your potential customers or your customers.
Before you begin know that a landing page experience is different from a site-violations policy of Google. If your site violates AdWords policy, you will not receive any landing page experience rating at all and your ads won't run. This is mainly if you run an ad from your site using Google AdWords or your ad once clicked land on your landing page and your landing page violates Google Policy your rating would be zero and your ad would be stopped.
When this happens it is because your landing page has a very poor design, useless, annoying pop-up or using the blockage method landing page forcing your potential customers to fill a form and to give their email or telephone number to get access to the rest of your site or to view a video, or to access a webinar or to purchase goods or services and the only way to exit it is to click on the browser tab cross, has often the back history arrow has been removed and the users are truly stock within your trap landing page.
In the worse scenario, it is not just giving up your email or personal details but your bank details in exchange for fake goods, services, or a bad download.
How to build a powerful landing page
If you want a powerful landing page, user-friendly, customers magnet and attractive, pleasing to the eyes and your potential customers or customers to have a nice experience and actually purchase your goods or services or download your e-book, watch your video or attend your webinar because they want to or need them to follow these simple easy instructions.
1. Offer relevant, useful, and original content by making sure your landing page is directly relevant to your ads text and keyword, products, or services.
Be specific when the user wants a particular product or service: if someone clicks on an ad for a Sony ZX310 On-Ear Headphones - Blue they shouldn't land on a general "all headphone equipment and makes" page.
Be general when the user wants options: if someone's looking to compare digital cameras they probably do not want to land on a specific model.
Provide useful information on your landing page about whatever you advertising and try to offer useful content, features that are unique to your site.
2. Promote transparency and foster trustworthiness on your site by openly sharing information about your business and clearly state what your business does. Explain your products or services before asking visitors to fill a form and make it easy for visitors to find your contact information.
If you request personal information from customers, make it clear why you're asking for it and what you'll do with it.
Distinguish sponsored links, like ads, from the rest of your website content
3. Make mobile and computer navigation easy by organising and designing your page well, so people do not have to hunt around for information. Also make it quick and easy for people to purchase your products or services mentioned in your ad.
Do not annoy customers with pop up or other features that interfere with their navigation of your site.
If you want to use pop up ensure that they disappear after a few second or they have two visible close buttons (a cross and a close button, not a text link) at Girlfridayz we have a pop up on our landing page which play a video but it has a clear close cross so people can quickly exit and visit our site where they meet our next pop up which is very swift and effective not annoying and disappear on it own within 5 seconds and you will not see it again (we coded it this way so it is not annoying - what tend to happen is our customers asking where did it go, especially if they were interested in the information it provides about our website design packages and social media package and you basically have 5 seconds to click on the link which takes you to the page of interest).
Help customers quickly find what they're looking for by prioritising the content that's visible above-the-fold.
4. Be fast—decrease your landing page loading time by making sure your landing page loads quickly once someone clicks on your ad, whether on your computer or mobile device.
5. Ensure your landing page design is responsive to any device that your page is viewed on that would make your site (even more) mobile-friendly.
This is how you make your landing page powerful, informative and useful to your visitors and they enjoy the experience of visiting your website and will actually recommend you to their peers who share the same interest as them, hence doubling or tripling even quadrupling your chance of purchasing your goods and services.
In concluding this introductory article on how to build a powerful Landing Page, it's best practice to follow the steps mentioned above, to be clear on your goals and objectives the purpose of your landing page and to produce relevant content aimed to persuade, informative and useful to your visitors.
Also by following these simple steps you will ensure a higher rating in your landing page experience by Google and you would not be penalised but more likely rewarded by higher ranking, positioning, page authority, and later on domain authority. So it pays to do the right thing and rip the reward it comes with. Such as customers acquisitions, long-lasting relationship, sharing of information, purchase of your goods or services, word of mouth, and higher visitors rates boost your ranking amongst other things.
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