You all gear up for Halloween and you want to send your email marketing campaign to your prospect.
However do you know if your marketing effort is received and even opened by your target audience of your choice.
Let see there is some pretty neat tool out there to support you track your opening rate and also jazz up your signature and you can even do your CRM (Customer Relation Management) straight from your inbox. These tools are very useful should wish to use any of them to boost your email marketing strategy and sales during the festive season and beyond.
Below I have listed the one we are using at Girlfridayz and other for you. There are plugin for your Gmail email account and some which integrate with other programs and emails providers.
With WiseStamp, social links and colour schemes you can optimise your signature by adding picture and much more. It free to install and to use but you can also purchase WiseStamp to enjoy it full potential and feature also removed there brand link.
Girlfridayz tips: Experiment with your emails signature to see which one generate more lead and sales
This plugin helps you organised your follow up emails as it is not always easy to remain organised. Hence followUp.cc helps you do just that.
It feature an option which can "Snooze" low priority emails. Therefore it helps you with prioritisation so you can concentrate on the most urgent tasks first and the less important at a later date.
Girlfridayz tips: Use the Snooze feature if you tend to forgot to answer an email when it due or what you deemed less important but needs answering.
This Gmail plugin it a neat scheduler and reminder. This tool allows you to send email at a later date and can also act has a reminder if you do not want to miss these important follow up with someone.
Girlfridayz tips: This tool is handy to have if you need to organise yourself and emails, and you will never forget to send an email to your important contact when it is time to do so.
Ever wonder if your email campaign effort is open or just sit in your recipient emails inbox unopened and later on deleted or as soon as received deleted.
Well rather than asking yourself these questions over and over it is time to use Yesware which enable you to track your emails.
It's work like so: As soon as you press "track" and after you start writing your email content press "send" and Yesware will work it magic nothing spooky and start tracking the action taken on your email message. It enable you to gain a better understanding of what type of "subject line" and "Title" perform better.
Another feature of Yesware you have the possibility to create email template and save them and test a variation of subject line.
Hence Yesware is the tool for you if you are concern about your email campaign performance.
With Streak you can have CRM inside your email and create your own pipeline straight from your inbox and track everything from contact info to sales call.
The unique element of Streak it is design especially for Gmail and those conducting their business straight from their inbox. This plugin is good to consider and why is it better than it competitor.
it double up as a collaborator tool and you can share contacts and much more
Easy to learn how to use it, flexible structure to match the need of your business
Rapportive is a LinkedIn product and it remain a top solution for bringing social power to your inbox. So if your a fan of your LinkedIn profiles contact you can bring them to your Gmail account.
So if you incline that way and want to save time jumping from LinkedIn to your email and actually think it will save you time by all mean this could be a useful tool for you.
It a Gmail plugin which allow you to explore your Gmail contacts all without living your inbox. It is good to experiment with the feature of FullContact as it could provide to be an helpful tool.
You can hoover a contact to view a full profile, included social links, contact information and photo.
Quick search function to helps you find the person you're looking for
Edit contact from your inbox
FullContact is a contact manager and allows you to view your Twitter activity from your inbox, record note and edit contact.
Do you sometimes wish you have an assistant to help you schedule all those important meeting. Well this tool do just that it gives you all the helps you need and some assistance you may not have expected.
Assistance to support you to book an appointment
It a free Gmail plugin
It very easy to use
To use it: Once installed click on Assistant.to logo in the body of your email located in right hand side corner, create a meeting and select the location and time from there, click "The insert times into email" button then send your email and wait for a response from the proposed meeting.
Assistant.to is easy to use and can save time
It support you not to double book
It remember your preferred availability and location for easy scheduling in future
It has an automated time zone conversion to avoid confusion
The recipient can confirm, deny or make change to the propose meeting. It integrate with other program such as Hangout, GoToMeetng, UberConference and Webex.
Girlfridayz Tips: You can install this Gmail plugin or use your Google Calendar which does the same functions hence having your Google calendar inside your email.
This advanced plugin is better suited for Sales team and Marketing teams it's also can be use by single individual too. It's feature are similar to other emails tools on the list like "Yesware" it has the ability to track email by person as opposed to individual email. This is important for Sales and Marketing professionals who are more likely to speak to the same person time and time again.
In addition to Gmail integration you can plugin ToutApp with Saleforce, Outlook and Exchange.
Girlfridayz Tips: Take full advantage of it report and analysis facility; this is where the plugin does the competition as it allows you to analyse data from emails to call to help you drive the best result.
ActiveInbox can help you manage your inbox as your business grows. Communicating via email it a good idea but you can get quickly clogged up and overwhelm with a lots of emails. This plugin helps optimise your content output to boost your income and most marketers, entrepreneur is interested in it.
It's bring email and task management together and turn your Gmail in a powerhouse of data that keeps you on tracks at all times.
This helps you to organise your inbox and emails priority
ActiveInbox offers you a free trial to learn what they have to offer and helps you decide if you want to pay for the service this is good idea.
Girlfridayz hope that you enjoy this blog post and find it useful for your business, we use some of these plugins and it helps us managed our emails, remained organised and prioritise plus support our emails campaign. If you want more tools for your business why not click on Propel your Business Forward below