In many instances the best of both lives. It’s much a case of do rather than don’t. You can develop the creativity of entrepreneurship and exercise your creative spirit and create new possibilities finding solutions to problem within your niche or existing companies.
Here’s four key points you can learn from the best entrepreneur
1. Persistence
As Winston Churchill once said, "Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm." It can take a while to make your dent inside a company, and persistence is key. If your initials ideas and initiatives don't receive the success you had hoped for, the most important lesson is to treat each endeavour like an experiment.
And Girlfridayz add to this success is failure turn inside out you never know how close you are you may succeed with another blow so don’t give up if the pace seems slow as you never can tell how close you are and what tomorrow bring you so stick to the fight when you hardest hit you may succeed with another blow.
So learn from your mistakes, reassess and iterate to create a better outcome on your next attempt. The best entrepreneurs are able to remain positive and energetic in building out new ideas or improving ideas, even when a litany of errors, mistakes, failure follow them but it makes them better at their craft as they learn valuable lesson along the way that why they are so successful and remain on top as they know the business is not a straight road and it is full of bump and grind but you surmount the bump and climb the crevasses succeed in a big way and tend to remain on top.
2. Network
How others support, position yourself in your market, meeting with right people becomes the greatest indicator of your future success. It's a tough lesson to learn, but it like start-up entrepreneurship, need to build powerful networks to back them. These networks can be from anywhere your peers, influencer on social media platform, investor, getting in newspaper or community events of significance.
You also need to find a mentor to shoot you up as having a senior authority with clout to position you and push your initiatives through any bureaucracy or red tape, it could be the difference between your accomplishments never going anywhere, and getting full backing to possible success. Also ensure you attends events for your niche and make your business known do not be afraid to show off your personal brand and highlight your services or product any chance you get as more you do so more exposure you get and can create your own opportunity or access opportunity to shine. Girlfridayz has two mentors to support me in my business and support to be the best I can be.
3. Vision
Embrace your ability to see new, novel solutions and a different way of doing things, and embrace technology and tools available to support you. The way companies have operated in the past and marketed themselves the values held at that time and today are the same, the technology use is different but business value and remain the same.
Today, every company needs to access and embraced technology as we all live in the digital age for sometimes and to remain within your time and appeal to the new generation without forgetting the older generation one need to operate within the digital area to remain competitive in your chosen niche. Have the confidence in your own vision to present alternatives within your organisation.
Without change, companies stagnate and are left behind. If your vision isn't immediately received with enthusiasm, think again: persistence and the power of your network will take you the rest of the way. Entrepreneurship is not a new breed within the corporate world and large organisations it one who progress and move with their time. Without forward thinking a company will most certainly fell behind, remain stagnant and afraid of positive risk taking may not survive in this cut throat world of business.
4. Consistency
Consistency is the key to building a successful business as a company brand is driven by becoming a company that delivers customer-journey excellence requires many activities to be done well where the biggest drivers of satisfaction and loyalty in a majority of industries surveyed; according to the three Cs of customer satisfaction: Consistency, consistency and consistency.
“Girlfridayz says If you want to reap the dividend, you need to dedicate time to create content, to formulate your plans, to research your market, competitor and create a niche for yourself in your chosen niche.”
Company and entrepreneur that relegate this to the back burner usually struggle to acquire lead, unless they are bless with a big, big marketing budget; even if you have a big marketing budget without doubt, content marketing done correctly can produce dramatic results for your business. But it requires time and focus to become effective at it.
In another word you need to be persistent and consistent holding these two values brings you the most results and eventually a huge success. With an ability to move within the current climate to remain competitive and operate above or alongside your competitor can bring your business to a larger scale and suddenly you find yourself amongst the major and larger businesses.