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Another proud moment at La Booktique.

After sending to Lawrence Bacow President of Harvard Business School The Core Assets of Marketing With Its Dual Implementation Support System - The Cellar, he was immensely impressed that he viewed it 43 times and replied after a week: "Thank you for writing to President Bacow and for sharing a sample of The Core Asset of Marketing With its Dual Implementation Support System - The Cellar. We appreciate your thoughtfulness in calling our attention to your book, and we wish you all the best." 

He endorsed our book and — The Cellar — in recognition of the amazing innovations found in this book for MBA students.

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La Booktique most purchased eBooks and book

Why almost 60% of small businesses fail in their first three years of business life in the UK—Because they fail to remain educated and don't read business or marketing books; watch this video and learn why we have created the manual—Which provides solutions to the problem.

Watch how happy we are about receiving genuine heartfelt reviews about our marketing books from a marketing student and our competitor also a self-employed insurance broker


How to Improve Customer Service

Without customer you do not have a business by acquiring excellent customer service generate recommendation with this e-book.
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Product Details
Girlfridayz: Author
New: newish
Book: eBook

As the customers are the keys to any successful businesses. How to improve customer service set out to walk you through several business tips to improve customers service.

Without customers there is no business therefore acquiring excellent customer service generate recommendation to your business, help you to achieve better sales and your customers become loyal customers overtime.

Get How to improve customer service today and see if you can improve your customer service and become top of mind for your customers with the valuable business tips learned.

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