top of page


  • Facebook - Grey Circle
  • Twitter - Grey Circle
  • Pinterest - Grey Circle
  • Instagram - Grey Circle

Homepage welcoming title and therapy pricing leading to PayPal checkout.

Business owner message and about page

The Mental Health Knowledge and Advice page is part of the second menu

Inner menu page info

Blog pages

The More Resource contextual link leads to Inspiring Resource page

Support group

Group post

Log in to access the Jamaican club, member page and group pages

Donation PayPal checkout

Inner menu page with podcast information about the program offered

Footer contact form design

The second menu uses numbers associated with the various programs offered.

Inner second menu page.

Header of Solange Mother of all nations

Girlfridayz created a purposeful landing page for SolangeSarahMotherofAllnations Ministry. The header has a sections menu for easy navigation and a discount offer with social media link bar and a donate button to encourage donation to the ministry. You can also create a free account with the ministry.

PayPal Donation Checkout

When you click on the Header display bar donate button it leads you to the PayPal Donation Checkout for the ministry.

About section

The section about has the prophetess details.

Services offered by Ministry

The services offered by the ministry are clearly visible and accessed through online booking.

Background mural picture

The background mural picture design by Girlfridayz is inviting and peaceful giving a calming effect on the viewer.

Booking App

The booking picture design by girlfridayz encourage bookings of the church services.

Booking page with calendar

Booking app offer a calendar view and link to a checkout for the payment of counselling service.

Booking page with discount offer

Booking app with coupon discount applied.

Testimonial section

Testimonial of the ministry goers.

Instagram feed display

The Business Instagram feed of the ministry is display at the footer of the Landing Page. The text content was written by girlfridayz website copywriting service.

4 ways to contact the ministry

Contact details and email marketing form. Whats' app message and live chat.

Header section marketing button

ck1Insideoutwashltd header section has an enticing button leading to book a service section.

Home page top

Home page top section part as why choose inside out wash Ltd. The about page has a story Titled The Green Clean Duo with most bliss. Website copywriting done by Girlfridayz.

Home page section top

How to contact inside out wash section has the contact icon pictures design by Girlfridayz and text written by Girlfridayz.

Home page second part of the section

How to contact us displays in neat 4 parts with concise information written by Girlfridayz.

Home page body start section

The middle section of the body has a welcome to inside out wash message and description of eco-friendly cleaning provision.

Home page body section services

Inside out wash eco-friendly cleaning services display with buttons leading to the pricing page.

Live chat on right side of section body

Inside out wash has a pinned live chat on the right hand side of the body.

Home page body second section services

Inside out services description on their home page with buttons leading to the pricing package offer.

Home page body third section area of service

Inside out wash has a more info section cleverly tucking in with the enticing marketing title and subtitle and on the right hand side their coverage area. Text done by Girlfridayz.

Home page body section contact us

The footer has a contact form and other methods that people can use to contact inside out wash.

Home page body contact us social media

The contact form request basic information.

Contact form with op-in

Contact us form has an op-in marketing email message with permission.

Live chat open

The Live chat has a form to message inside out wash ltd if they are not available. Inside out wash ltd is a family business owned by Husband and Wife Ronnie and Sylvana.

FAQ section open

The Footer has a FAQ section with accordion displays of information.

FAQ section closed

The footer FAQ section has information about the customers legal rights.

Blog with one post

Inside out wash blog has one start-up post written by Girlfridayz.

Top part of the Booking App

The Booking page top part shows information about how to book a service online.

Appointment booking App empty cart

The Booking App displayed booking information e-commerce cart style.

Appointment Booking App Calendar

The Booking app has a calendar that you can book appointment by staff name.

Appointment Booking App

Booking display selection of staff prior to continue with the online booking.

Privacy policy page

The privacy policy page has the Privacy, Cookies and Data Protection policies written by Girlfridayz.

Service Pricing page

The Service Pricing Page button lead to PayPal and was designed and written text by Girlfridayz.


The first website design for this company colour scheme is blue and their logo. The Website using a section link and pages menu.


The Homepage using section design and has button to access other pages.


The website has a section displaying the staff team and testimonial. Section are useful to separate content that does not necessary need a full page.


The contact page using a multi-purpose contact form. Perfect when you have different services offer and you want to receive info about the selected service only.


The about page using left column display content baring a picture and text on the right.


The website footer has link to the company social media profile via icon.


The company rebranded their website after a year. They change their logo and site colour to black as well as adding two more pages and updated the content information. They used Girlfridayz website maintenance services


The website has now a FAQ page added


The company new logo and tagline is visible but the black header and footer make the menu less visible even if white bolded text used. The company rebranding is less inviting for an Health & Social Care company.


The Policy page using section to separate Jobseeker form and Employee form. The hidden page various section are access by text link in the footer.


The company added a training page. This is better because they had a lot of content about training to fit a whole page.


The footer of the rebranding website has a lots more information opening hours and CQC logo and a redesign of the social media icon and text link to hidden pages on the website.

MPI invest

The website design MPI invest was build using section to manage slim content. It's a small website using 4 pages but contain all information pertaining to the offering of MPI investment.

MPI invest

The Homepage has an investment option section link by a button to the investment page.

MPI invest3

The third section has MPI fixed loan option and link to the investment option page.

MPI invest

The last section before the footer bare a picture gallery.

MPI invest

The about page using section and video and market research information. It has a right column designed display of content.


This design has a slider gallery with description and click to enlarge facility.


The website structure uses section to separate the information and the design is linear.


The design has a job opportunity section with a contextual linked to job application form.


The about pages uses section and supportive images. Each section linked to further information down the page. It has a button linked to the testimonial section on another page.


The website is using three boxes in each row for a neat display of the picture.


The website has a PayPal button checkout system attach to the box for easy payment with a fixed price.


The section on the site for the title our work uses short video and pictures tucked in a neat box with personal caption.


Website uses descriptive boxes to display picture and description neatly. The footer of the site has contact info and opening hours.


The apply online form has been custom coded by girlfridayz and embedded in the website.


The contact page, has supportive pictures and advice about the company service and how to contact them.


The footer of the website has a What's App button linked directly to my customer phone.


The website has an aminated background images.


The design of this website uses section and vector images.


The gallery of the website is a multi-function gallery. It has picture, video, likes, share and comment as well as an overlay with the description.


This website using column boxes neatly tucking in to display items and has a short title and descriptive text.


This website offer login account facility with various sign in and sign up options.


This website offer the possibility to book services by arranging an appointment linked to the owners calendar and a possibility to pay for the service at the time of booking.


The contact form is minimal in it purpose but send the form data to the owner.


The website has a pop up live chat facility.


The website has a gallery at the footer and social media details as well as contact details.

Affiliate Landing Page

Header of the page has three call to actions, call the company, a live chat and an opt-in form to capture leads from the start with two anchor menus to aid navigation and pinned social media bar. Designed by Girlfridayz

Live Chat With Lead Capture Form

The live chat once open display a lead capture form to capture lead from the start meaning before chating with the owner the visitor need to fill some details.

Affialate Website APA Landing Page

Services offers display at the front clearly visible with an attractive call to action. Two columns display layout.

2 columns layout Design

Landing Page use a theme which is white, light grey, and green all these colours work with each other. Two videos embedded in each column with attractive CTA.

1 column design

Used one column to display affialiate company info has they had several videos and added three bonus videos to utilise the space due to minimal text.

Video gallery

Embedded Video Gallery containing more than 30 videos and a playlist with 51 videos. Clevery tuck in the page with a Load More link.

Three Columns Layout Display

Affliate landing page layout design uses a theme in the design and I used three columns display with attractive purple CTA button which says click me now.

Footer of Landing Page

The footer has company details, privacy and cookie policy including social media text links and Live Chat

On Stage Production

Website Design by Girlfridayz it is a music production store for booking venue and artist including streaming and download artist music.

On stage Production

Website Design by Girlfridayz music store streaming page

OnstageProduction music store1_edited

Website Design by Girlfridayz Picture of Artist row section the page and each picture is link to the second page of the music store

On Stage Production

Website Design by Girlfridayz footer of music store with subscriber form and back to top link

On Stage Production

Website Design by Girlfridayz the event app for booking event directly from the site.

On Stage Production

Website Design by Girlfridayz the event app for booking event with a location map

On Stage Production

Website Design by Girlfridayz the website has a business blog

Music Landing Page

Footer of website has a gallery and text link to bring you to various site sections

Checkout system

Checkout system giving two options to either purchase track or album for download

Music Landing Page

Music Player leading to checkout system

Music Landing Page

Website section

Music Landing Page

1 page website designed by Girlfridayz using anchor menu and section to separate element on the page. The music player lead to a checkout system where you can purchase tracks or album to download.

Online store home

Online store design by Girlfridayz has video background moving parallax

Quick access to collection

Online store design by Girlfridayz has three pictures CTA for quick access to Bronze Collection leading to product page.

The Artist holding lettering work

Online store design by Girlfridayz. The artist holding his work on display - lettering steel sculpture - homepage with button leading to full gallery of his work

Inside the Bronze collection

Online store design by Girlfridayz. Collection display maximum of 4 pictures which give a good distribution of the display

Subscriber form

Online store design by Girlfridayz. Footer design has subscriber form

Quick access to enlarge view

Online store design by Girlfridayz. Picture on mouse over give you access to button for quick view leading to enlarge view

Online store collection

Online store design by Girlfridayz. Shop by collection and filter by price feature

Shop view

Online store design by Girlfridayz. Chat open in any pages neatly place in the footer

Shop view all products

Online store design by Girlfridayz. Shop view display two rows of picture

Product purchase page

Online store design by Girlfridayz. The product purchase page offer the possibility to view the other picture associated with the product and to enlarge view and get more info

More information view

Online store design by Girlfridayz. More information view has description of product and social media button including add to cart

View item in cart

Possibility to click on cart to view item from any pages

Home page with login

Public Magazine Social Media Website Category Based enabling users to form group within related category and create their own group. Designed by Girlfridayz

Footer with Social Media and Policy

Public Magazine Social Media Website Category Based enabling users to form group within related category and create their own group. Designed by Girlfridayz

Public Magazin with slider Public Category

Public Magazine Social Media Website Category Based enabling users to form group within related category and create their own group. Designed by Girlfridayz

Access to profile and user group via pic

Public Magazine Social Media Website Category Based enabling users to form group within related category and create their own group. Designed by Girlfridayz

User Profile view

Public Magazine Social Media Website Category Based enabling users to form group within related category and create their own group. Designed by Girlfridayz

Notification, MyRaz point system

Public Magazine Social Media Website Category Based enabling users to form group within related category and create their own group. Designed by Girlfridayz

user profile view with connection request

Public Magazine Social Media Website Category Based enabling users to form group within related category and create their own group. Designed by Girlfridayz

Category Group user can join_edited

Public Magazine Social Media Website Category Based enabling users to form group within related category and create their own group. Designed by Girlfridayz

User Joining Public Group

Public Magazine Social Media Website Category Based enabling users to form group within related category and create their own group. Designed by Girlfridayz

Sharing if connected to user you are able

Public Magazine Social Media Website Category Based enabling users to form group within related category and create their own group. Designed by Girlfridayz

Public Category option

Public Magazine Social Media Website Category Based enabling users to form group within related category and create their own group. Designed by Girlfridayz

Rating Like

Public Magazine Social Media Website Category Based enabling users to form group within related category and create their own group. Designed by Girlfridayz

Wave uer group

Public Magazine Social Media Website Category Based enabling users to form group within related category and create their own group. Designed by Girlfridayz

record of posted by date

Public Magazine Social Media Website Category Based enabling users to form group within related category and create their own group. Designed by Girlfridayz

Uploading media such as video - photo-music

Public Magazine Social Media Website Category Based enabling users to form group within related category and create their own group. Designed by Girlfridayz

Registered user of the site

Public Magazine Social Media Website Category Based enabling users to form group within related category and create their own group. Designed by Girlfridayz

Record of last user visit to the site

Public Magazine Social Media Website Category Based enabling users to form group within related category and create their own group. Designed by Girlfridayz

Profile view Sez and user connected Voice

Public Magazine Social Media Website Category Based enabling users to form group within related category and create their own group. Designed by Girlfridayz

Last visitor can be seen from user profile

Public Magazine Social Media Website Category Based enabling users to form group within related category and create their own group. Designed by Girlfridayz

Internal search

Public Magazine Social Media Website Category Based enabling users to form group within related category and create their own group. Designed by Girlfridayz

Profile logout

Public Magazine Social Media Website Category Based enabling users to form group within related category and create their own group. Designed by Girlfridayz

Personal user group

Public Magazine Social Media Website Category Based enabling users to form group within related category and create their own group. Designed by Girlfridayz

Posting relevant post in the Technology

Public Magazine Social Media Website Category Based enabling users to form group within related category and create their own group. Designed by Girlfridayz

Mouse over drop down menu

Public Magazine Social Media Website Category Based enabling users to form group within related category and create their own group. Designed by Girlfridayz

Rating Like

Public Magazine Social Media Website Category Based enabling users to form group within related category and create their own group. Designed by Girlfridayz

Easy profile view

Public Magazine Social Media Website Category Based enabling users to form group within related category and create their own group. Designed by Girlfridayz

Dropdown menu on profile

Public Magazine Social Media Website Category Based enabling users to form group within related category and create their own group. Designed by Girlfridayz

Comment enable

Public Magazine Social Media Website Category Based enabling users to form group within related category and create their own group. Designed by Girlfridayz

Each user have a unique ID

Public Magazine Social Media Website Category Based enabling users to form group within related category and create their own group. Designed by Girlfridayz

Public category options

Public Magazine Social Media Website Category Based enabling users to form group within related category and create their own group. Designed by Girlfridayz

Breadcrumb navigation

Public Magazine Social Media Website Category Based enabling users to form group within related category and create their own group. Designed by Girlfridayz

Ability to download media content

Public Magazine Social Media Website Category Based enabling users to form group within related category and create their own group. Designed by Girlfridayz

Ability to join public group

Public Magazine Social Media Website Category Based enabling users to form group within related category and create their own group. Designed by Girlfridayz

Ability to Banned user Admin only

Public Magazine Social Media Website Category Based enabling users to form group within related category and create their own group. Designed by Girlfridayz

Administrator view hence can managed user

Public Magazine Social Media Website Category Based enabling users to form group within related category and create their own group. Designed by Girlfridayz

TS-Private Chef and Event Catering

Private Chef website Revamp - by Girlfridayz including Design Booking Bar by Girlfridayz which open email client once formed completed.

TS - Private Chef and Event Catering

Private Chef Website Revamp. design by Girlfridayz

Believe in Yahuwshuwah

Jewish / Hebrew personal website. Design by Girlfridayz

Believe in Yahuwshuwah

Jewish / Hebrew personal website. Design by Girlfridayz

Cast your burden upon jesus

Christian website Girlfridayz contributor to the design and update of cast your burden. The site has pop up book, link to third party, event calendar and embedded site within the website

Cast Your Burden Upon Jesus

Popup designed by girlfridayz. The site has external links to other site and an embedded Website with it's full functionality. You can purchase products from A1 office without leaving cast your burden website.

Perfect Property Website

Real estate Agent website - design by Girlfridayz it feature a CTA button on home page

Perfect care solutions

Website design by Girlfridayz. It has two simple call to action button and a facility to apply online for job and search job available

Studio 203

Website has a landing page with two access to the site by clicking on name or business name this attract customer. Design by Girlfridayz Architectural and Planning

Milennium Care Home

Website design by Girlfridayz site feature scrolling text boxes

Testimony Testify

Testimony Testify website feature jesus appearing next to the boy and a book which pages can open. Design by girlfridayz these are cool animation.

Testimony Testify

You can now see Jesus next to the boy the site feature gospel music. Design by Girlfridayz

bottom of page