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Marketing Story are a powerful tool to communicate a need.

I received a flyer in my office about my local librairy Carnegie Hub possible closure and their request for support. My company took this opportunity to link itself to an historitical librairy and in support of their problem with Lambeth Council, we decided to provide our solidarity support by writing a satirical support letter. Transforming a potential sad event into a beautiful marketing story promoting our new business school The Cat Got The Cream swiftly not overbearing or overshadowing Carnegie but lending a help hand to save the HUB of our historical Librairy building. 


A business community genuine can galvenise the community and generate referral for your business, client calling you to use your products or services, visiting your online business and purchasing products or services just because of the kindness, empathy, compassion and understanding your business providing it supports at a time where the community librairy needed the community support to keep the Hub open for business a charitable business seating inside this historic building. 


Linking your business to the community in a positive way will always bring you unthinkable rewards ten time folds and will make your small business grow because the community will repay your generousity and the time you took to help. You might even get a newspaper report about you for your positive community involvement.

Our Community Support letter

Thursday, 03 October 2024

Dear Councillor Anyanwu (Cabinet Member for Stronger Communities) and Herne Hill Ward Councillors,

I am writing to emphasise my support for the Carnegie Library Hub who have informed me they are unable to continue and have set a timetable to close.

Here is below our satirical support letter A Cry From The Local Community

Can and Able are at Carnegie Library they’ve heard about the risk of closure of the Hub and make their way to the library in Herne Hill road when entering the place, they take a seat at the round table with their two children Critical and Knowledge.


The children stood up and run to the children section and heard STOP RUNING IN THE LIBRAIRY CRITICAL KNOWLEDGE it’s a quiet place.


They stop in their track so fast and start walking giggling to the children section and look avidly at children’s books.


They picked a classic Chicken Little and walk back to their parents with joy and said eagerly look what we found Chicken Little a book about chicken read it to us please mummy and daddy.


“When we get home”, said Able


Able stood up and went to the business section book of Carnegie and browse through the section he saw two pink books and picked the long road The Core Assets Of Marketing With Its Dual Implementation Support System – The Cellar and come back to his wife Can.


He sat at the table looking lovingly at his wife and greet his wife with a smile uttering look “I found the long road for postgraduate at university reading the blurb where the wine flow in the Cellar linked to the long road.”


Can reply “Oh, darling –this is wonderful!” —stood up and went to the business section and thought “I also focus strongly on supporting ex-offenders to achieve the unthinkable by running their own business & and getting educated in Business and Marketing.


Walking toward the business section and stop in front of The Core Assets + The Cellar: A Winner Combination… —Surprise to see it at Carnegie.


Dale Carnegie leaps out of the pages unexpectedly and said let me explain.


Can wide eyes FuCkIng Unbelievable, Fancy THAT Dale here.  You must be 100 and something mate. Looking good -not a day over 100 and something; mate.


Dale reacted with a gentle tap on her shoulder “Oh, You” and continues “Let us seat at the round table in the HUB it at risk of closure new development I heard.”


Sat at the table; Can say


“I picked a unique pink book The Core Assets + The Cellar: A Winner Combination where the wine flow in The Cellar inside I found 6 Zeros and a green tea, and you appeared—


Amazing, Amazing, fancy that who would have thought that I wrote two business and marketing books one for Postgraduate and the other for the drop out who running their business and want to be educated recognising the local community the pillion of society the small businesses that power the show daily supporting their customers with products and services needed for survival.” “My book content is like your book How to make friends and influence other -Your business book! It’s your most famous book and successful book of all time.”


Dale reply “thank you.” effortlessly puffed his chest breath in and out several time relaxing his entire body and blew a strong breath onto Can seating on her chair fell back with the chair landing on the floor cautioning her fall feet up.




Leaping back from The Cellar and saw Can on the floor rush to help her up and lend his hand. “Grab my hand -I pull you up.” “Thank you” Can hold his hand firmly and he tried to pull her up, but this move didn’t work.


Can said “try to push me up holding the back of the chair and prop me up, please.” He executed this move swiftly and up I was sat at the round table again.


Dale said did you hear me shouting from The Cellar it looks alright in there… Can mana be on the floor feet up thinking “I am an authority in Business and Marketing —give me some juice to impact on the drop out and impart some knowledge that continuous learning is the key that feed the brain and keep neurons connected. Our new Business School have heuristics supporting materials for the committed to prosper beyond their wildest dream, hopes and strong desires to make it.” No, I didn’t hear you, Dale, can you repeat please.


“Yes” “I said did you hear me shouting from The Cellar it looks alright in there -Business owners and their staff are lucky to get such a brilliant easy to digest content. I heard it was free to access for 3 months at The Cat Got The Cream a new Business School in Camberwell for the drop out of school—That very good.”


Can explain I was bestowed with this critical knowledge to help them prosper beyond their wildest dream, hopes and desire while meditating in my bath these wonderful theories about Marketing and Its application to business, Dale.


That’s how we did it; C=NC².


Then I realized that all my theories, analyses and innovations are for school and my thought derived to a Business School for Small Businesses and their staff particularly the drop out that desire to continue their education and have started their business or thinking to start a business.


Dale disappeared…


Can returned to Able and her children Critical and Knowledge who greeted her happily. She put The Core Assets + The Cellar: A Winner Combination and Able pick it up and started browsing inside. Finding the passkey in the pink book page says, “This one is for SMEs and The Cellar is for them.”


Can say yes that’s right. Look at that small-size yellow flyer about Lambeth Council thinking about closing the Carnegie Library Hub reading the flyer she said it reads “Unfortunately, the Hub, growing since 2021, has been unable to secure a workable tenancy with Lambeth and therefore set to close in December.


You can read about it at with suggested ways to support us including a detailed FAQ. If you appreciate HUB achievements and plans, we would very much welcome your support, including filling our petition. The Library is not at risk. Lambeth will be considering alternative uses of the Hub rooms.”


Picking her iPhone scanned the first QR code leading to clearing where a long article was waiting claiming Lambeth want to close our charitable hub and we done everything they’ve ask, abide by the rules imposed by this council and they still want to trash us -That’s not right said Can after having read this long lamenting plea for help she click on the first link Letter of support for the Carnegies Library.


Able say let rally the community the library is the pillion of the community the HUB build since 2021 became part of the thriving communities where local team up with friends and work using the books available renting them and returning them promptly. The children sitting at the round table is a vision made from heaven itself where inspiration draw its strength and mighty brains danced in unison connected to life breathing in and out wisdom and truth yet to be heard by their growing soul, body, arms, legs and feet soaking up the info from the books.


How dare thinking these evil breath fire onto the wise they have planted the gym in there for much needed exercise and plenty charitable giving to the community – money grabbing oriented lark want to close a pillion of the community a God giving gift to treasure and cherish.


Remember— this Can it is The Black History Month 2024 the first black person to play Carnegie Hall soprano Sissieretta Jones who on February 13, 1893, at the time 25-year-old became the first female African American artist to perform in Carnegie Hall's main auditorium. Jones was joined by the Fisk Jubilee Singers. Still in existence today, the group performed at Carnegie Hall in 2009 as part of HONOR!


Such historic event is part of the wall of this library that my children attended when little now parent themselves said Able. Can said wonderful let wrap this up it is time to feed Critical and Knowledge their supper. The Library closing 5 pm and we live close by.


Able reply yes, you’re right and we send this satirical letter to support our local Library the pillion of our community. Walking home they pass in from of Girlfridayz Limited Banner saying Limited finances and resources, but still need service? We can help you


1.7 M+ Small Business in the UK trust Girlfridayz with their needs because they know they have ways to pay that work your way on Girlfridayz — Order A Service with a QR code and their contact details 07931089744


Stories like  this satirical support letter in the small-size yellow flyer with a pretty design Treffle a 3 feuilles in its 4 corners are found at the Carnegies Library – please Lambeth don’t close this beautiful HUB for the local of the community.


I understand that Lambeths Culture 2020 Strategy initiated inviting the Carnegie Community Trust into a partnership to enable a community Hub to complement the Carnegie Library, support safeguarding the heritage status and increase the use of the building.


I read on the Hubs website that Lambeth have drastically curtailed their support for their own strategy and long agreed plans, and it is therefore impossible for the trust to deliver a community Hub.


It seems that without the correct support the Hub will soon close its diverse programme of classes, events, workshops, holiday camps and community rentals. This will be a loss to the community, and I would like to know what Lambeth are proposing instead and what its strategic vision is for the beautiful building.


Yours sincerely,



Trisha Amable

Founder, Business Owner, theorist, innovator, phylosopher

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